About me... www.davidjamesmorton.co.uk
A brief and boring history...

I was born in Chesterfield, Derbyshire during the summer of 1967. In the intervening years, I've worked in various places around the UK, but settled down in rural Derbyshire back in 1990.

I was never much good at English at school but always had a dream to write a novel. After pondering various plots over many years, I eventually began writing “Cull” during early '93. I had always loved the sci-fi genre and it seemed natural that “Cull” should be sci-fi.

I wrote constantly for 3 years but found it almost impossible to complete. Abandoning “Cull” until the summer of 2000, I then approached it with a different mind and decided to virtually halve its length. This tactic gave the work more pace and structure. After a couple more revisions, I then submitted “Cull” to a number of publishers and literary agents early 2001. Eventually, Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers made a commitment to publish the work late 2002 / early 2003. “Cull” was eventually published during February 2003.

As the writing and conventional publication of a novel is a time-consuming process, I recently decided to market my work directly. You can obtain my novels via download from this site or eBay.

My novels are set in near-future environments where cutting-edge technology conflicts with human spirit. They are cautionary tales where the great benefits of technology are juxtaposed with the perils of its abuse. I trust that through interest in this site, these hopes and fears also connect with you?


David Morton, 9 May 2006